October 19-21, 2022 | Nha Trang, Vietnam
Program Committe
Technical Program Committee
- Akira Shimazu, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Alireza Alaei, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Alireza Ghasempour, University of Applied Science and Technology, United States
- Anh Viet Phan, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Asamaporn Sitthi, Srinakharinwirot University, Thailand
- Bang Tran, Ho Chi Minh City National University, Vietnam
- Bernard Merialdo, Eurecom, France
- Binh Dang, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Boonthida Chiraratanasopha, Yala Rajabhat University, Thailand
- Bui Minh Quan, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Cao Truong, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Chaiporn Jaikaeo, Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Chaiyong Ragkhitwetsagul, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Chau Nguyen, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Chi Mai Luong, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Christos Bouras, University of Patras, Greece
- Churn-Jung Liau, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan
- Chutiporn Anutariya, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- Cuong Nguyen, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Dang Hung Tran, Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
- Danh-Tai Hoang, Australian National University, Australia
- Diep Nguyen Ngoc, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam
- Dragana Bajic, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Duc Thanh Chau, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
- Duc Tran, University of Nevada, United States
- Duc-Hanh Dang, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam
- Dung Duc Nguyen, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Eakasit Pacharawongsakda, Cube Analytics Consulting, Thailand
- Firkhan Ali Hamid Ali, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
- H.K. Dai, Oklahoma State University, United States
- Ha Thanh Nguyen, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Hien Nguyen, University of Information Technology, Vietnam
- Hieu Vo, University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam
- Hoang-Anh Pham, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam
- Hop Van Nguyen, International University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Hutchatai Chanlekha, Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Jagannathan Sarangapani, Missouri University Of Science and Technology, United States
- Kiem-Hieu Nguyen, Hanoi University of Science & Technology, Vietnam
- Krit Kosawat, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
- Lam Thu Bui, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Lap Trung Nguyen, Thai Binh Duong University, Vietnam
- Le Anh Cuong, Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam
- Long Nguyen, National Defese Academy, Vietnam
- Makoto Nakamura, Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan
- Manh Hung Nguyen, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam
- Marcin Paprzycki, Systems Research Institute, Poland
- Marut Buranarach, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
- Michele Albano, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Guelma University, Algeria
- Natsuda Kaothanthong, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand
- Ngo Xuan Bach, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam
- Nguyen Chi-Thanh, Military Institute of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Nguyen Long Giang, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Nguyen Minh-Tien, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
- Nguyen Ba Hung, Thai Binh Duong University, Vietnam
- Nguyen Thanh Nguyen, Center for Biomedical Informatics Vingroup Big Data Institute, Vietnam
- Nongnuch Ketui, Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Thailand
- Norharyati Harum, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
- Oscar Rodriguez Rocha, Teach on Mars, France
- Pakinee Aimmanee, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand
- Paola Lecca, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
- Pavel Loskot, Swansea University, United Kingdom
- Peerasak Intarapaiboon, Thammasat University, Thailand
- Pham Xuan Hau, Quang Binh University, Vietnam
- Phuc Loi, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia
- Phuong Minh Nguyen, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Quyet Nguyen-Van, Chonnam National University, South Korea
- Rachasak Somyanonthanakul, Rangsit University, Thailand
- Sanjay Singh, Manipal Institute of Technology, India
- Sanparith Marukatat, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
- Sartra Wongthanawasu, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
- Sokratis Katsikas, Open University of Cyprus, Greece
- Su Nguyen, La Trobe University, Australia
- Suphamit Chittayasothorn, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- Teeradaj Racharak, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Thai-Nghe Nguyen, Can Tho University, Vietnam
- Tham Hong Hoang, Vingroup Big Data Institute, Vietnam
- Thanaruk Theeramunkong, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University, Thailand
- Thang Pham, Amsterdam UMC, Netherlands
- Thanh Binh Nguyen, The University of Danang, Vietnam
- Thepchai Supnithi, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
- Thi Phuong Nghiem, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, Vietnam
- Thi-Lan Le, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Thomas Agotnes, University of Bergen, Norway
- Tin Chi Nguyen, University of Nevada, United States
- Tran Thi Oanh, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
- Tri Thanh Nguyen, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
- Tu Le, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan
- Tu Minh Phuong, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam
- Tung Le, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Tzung-Pei Hong, National Univesity of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Van-Dung Hoang, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education
- Van-Giang Nguyen, Le Quy Don Technical University, Vietnam
- Van-Hau Nguyen, Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, Vietnam
- Vu Tran, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Vu Tran Mai, Vietnam National University, Vietnam
- Vu Trong Sinh, Banking Academy, Vietnam
- Wirote Aroonmanakun, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Wudhichart Sawangphol, Mahidol University, Thailand
- Xuan Dau Hoang, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology, Vietnam
- Xuan Tho Dang, Hanoi National University of Education, Vietnam
- Yaya Heryadi, Binus University, Indonesia
- Yoonsik Choe, Yonsei University, South Korea
- Young-Gab Kim, Sejong University, South Korea
- Youngok Kim, Kwangwoon university, South Korea